Friday, October 19, 2012

Can Just One Bite Really Sabotage my Weight Loss?

You bet it can! For instance, even eating a little piece of cake or “sampling” a cookie, may feel like nothing at the time. But if you combine enough of these “little bites” or “samplings,” can turn into a lot of calories you do not want.

The irony of this whole thing of “just taking one little bite,” has been done by all of us. In fact, when you think about it, we have all done it, saying to ourselves, “Just one little bite will not hurt; not just one bite.” However, the fact is, these little bites could be the very thing that is prevents not only me, but also you from losing weight.

Just step back and think for a moment. All the bites you take throughout the day; a couple here, just a little bit of ice cream there, over the course of just one day, adds hundreds and hundreds of unnecessary calories which you are completely unaware of.

So what do you do? You learn to pass them up. Think just the opposite by telling yourself, “It is much easier for me to give up these little bites, rather than large bites.” When you obtain a mindset like this, passing up the “little bites” is much easier. After all, isn’t it easier to give up “small” things easier than giving up “large” things?

So simply remove these temptations from your life, and find out how much easier it will be to say “No” to all the other temptations in your life. Never forget that the “little bites” are a choice. Therefore, learn to say “No,” and reap the rewards of saying “No by enjoying a lasting natural weight loss.

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5 Ways to Lose Weight and Keep From Eating Sweets

Do you have any other thoughts about obesity? Please share them with us.

Recent studies have revealed two of the leading reasons for obesity. The first reason is unhealthy eating habits, and the second is a sedentary lifestyle. However, a healthier lifestyle can be lived by revving up your metabolism thereby losing those dreaded excess pounds.
Your metabolism plays more of a crucial part to your weight than you can imagine. For instance, when you are not active, you are not burning up the necessary calories needed for permanent, natural weight loss. But don’t fear. You can easily take control of your metabolism and experience the natural weight loss you crave without having to go on a diet or starve yourself. In fact all you need do is apply any one of the following 5 tips to your daily routine

1.Eat 5 to 6 small's meals throughout the day.

Switch your 2 to 3 big meals a day, for 5 or 6 smaller meals of 300 calories each. You see, by keeping your smaller meals to 300 calories each, you consume a decent amount of complex carbohydrates in grains, vegetables and fruits. Therefore, you can keep your metabolism active throughout the day. And believe it or not, by eating regularly you can resist the temptation to snack on sugary, high fat foods.

2.Start your day with a healthy breakfast.
Believe it or not, skipping breakfast is the worst thing you can do to your metabolism. For instance, if your body has to wait for more than 16 hours for a meal, your body begins to believe you are starving, and goes into starvation mode which is not good. After all, once your body is in starvation mode, it begins to store whatever food you eat, thus allowing your body to take on weight rather than trying to burn it.

Altering your diet can do only so much to help your metabolism. To really succeed in achieving healthy weight loss you need to put exercise into your daily lifestyle. For instance, you can try doing some aerobic activities such as running, walking, swimming or cycling into your day before you have breakfast. What this does, is enable your body to burn off fat before you throw in some stomach crunches and weights in order to speed up your metabolism.

4.Get active.
Exercise is not the only way to give your metabolism a jump start. What speeds up your metabolism, is just moving around throughout the day. In fact, you can try taking the stairs instead of the lift or going for a quick 5-10 minute walk on your lunch break. Believe it or not, this will not only speed up your metabolism, but will keep you feeling refreshed.

5.Take control of your drinking.
It is well known that alcohol is not healthy, nor is it good for your metabolism. So how can you get your metabolic rate back on track? Genuinely try cutting down on your alcohol intake, or better yet, completely cut it out of your life altogether. Take it from one who knows. I am a recovering alcoholic. It is true that by not drinking alcohol, but drinking water instead, you will be able to greatly reduce your calorie intake. You see, by increasing your water intake will enable your body to function more efficiently.

Here’s to your healthy living,

Want to live a healthy life & enjoy your coffee at the same time? Just click Lloyd's Healthy Coffee Shop and enjoy.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Dieting Mind Set

When it comes to dieting, far too many people set themselves up for failure before they even begin the process. They literally dread going on their diets and before they start the process are planning their mishaps along the way. Sad to say but true, far too many would be dieters are planning their first Rocky Road mishap while eating their last bowl of Rocky Road before the big event.

I have no idea why we tend to do this to ourselves but it is something I see in dieters everywhere. The far too popular notion is that one must binge on the foods most loved and enjoyed before beginning the dieting process because these things must be completely eliminated in order to shed those unwanted pounds. If you are honest with yourself, nothing could be further from the truth. Moderation is simply a concept that many of us are loathe to embrace.

You must change your way of thinking about food and your personal enjoyment of food in order for any diet you embrace to be successful. Food isn’t the enemy. And that is something that not enough people really understand. Even the ‘tasty’ foods aren’t the enemy. The enemy is your personal inability to properly portion the foods you eat. The problem is that the vast majority of us eat the wrong foods far more often than we eat the right foods. This is where the problems lie.

Our bodies need the nutrients we are lacking by not eating the five servings of vegetables and three servings of fruit each day that we should consume. Our bodies know that something is missing and we feel hungry or deprived. If we were actually consuming the proper balance of fruits and veggies each day we would find that we were far less likely to feel hungry and desire those foods that aren’t as healthy. This means we would be much more likely to enjoy them in moderation as they should be enjoyed.

Portion control is another problem that we have. We live in a society of “up selling”. Super sized fries and empty calories by the gallon of your favorite cola are offered with almost every fast food meal that can be bought. You must learn to say no to these things and avoid situations in which you may feel tempted to partake in these up sized orders.

To be truly successful when dieting you need to embrace the process as building a healthier you rather than depriving yourself of something. Do not think of your weigh loss plan as something negative but rather a positive force in your life to make changes for the better. When you have negative thoughts do not direct them at your diet. When you feel deprived remind yourself that you are depriving your bones of carrying around that excess weight. Remind yourself that you are depriving your wardrobe of those bulky clothes that are designed to hide the bulges. Remind yourself that you are depriving your body of years of bulges and bringing back the body of your youth.

Do not get so caught up in the dieting process that you forget to enjoy some of the goodies that life has to offer. Watching your weight and counting your calories does not mean that you can never go over your allotment. The goal however is to find balance. If you learn to portion your food correctly, indulge in moderation, and incorporate enjoyable calorie burning activities into your daily routine you may be amazed at the results.

Dieting for weight loss and health is only depriving if you allow it to be. If you cannot control yourself when it comes to indulging then by all means avoid indulging. However, if you can learn to incorporate those small treats into your routine in moderation and burn those extra calories as well, then you should find yourself a much happier and more successful ‘dieter’ than you have ever managed to be in the past.

Lloyd Nelson

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Thursday, October 11, 2012

How Acai Berry Can Improve Your Life?

If you are looking for ways to improve your health, you may want to consider acai berry. You will find that there are many benefits with acai berry and that consuming it can improve your life.

The acai berry is a natural fruit that is grown in wild, wet areas of Central and South America, such as the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil. The acai palm tree bears this fruit twice a year and they grow back in bunches of approximately 600 berries per palm. The berries are dark in color, similar to a purplish-black, and are about the size of a grape. The berries contain only one small seed.

The acai berries themselves can be eaten in their natural state, but there are others ways that individuals can consume the powerful fruit. These berries are processed to create a acai berry extract that is used to flavor drinks and food. The berries can also be crushed to create acai berry juice, which is then mixed with water and other ingredients to create a refreshing drink. In addition to the juice and extract, the berries can be processed into powders that are used to create supplements and other capsule-like items.

The acai berry is extremely healthy as a result of the benefits to the human body. Many people refer to it as a super-fruit. It improves their lives by helping to promote weight loss. Acai berry aids in increasing metabolism rates so that excess fat cells that are stored on the body are burnt off. The increased metabolism also provides the body with more energy, which also promotes weight loss. Acai berries also help to maintain and even reduce cholesterol. The berries are rich in positive fatty acids, such as Omega 6 and 9.

These acids help to control both the good and the bad cholesterol that is currently plaguing many individuals today. The berries are packed with antioxidants that repair cells in the body which have been damaged by the oxidation process. Some individuals believe that if these cells remain damaged, it could open the body up to diseases and other health problems, which include heart disease and diabetes. These same antioxidants provide the body with the ability to fight the process of aging. The berry's oils enrich your skin so that it can remain hydrated and looking youthful.

There are many benefits to being healthy. By including acai berries into your diet and having the right amount of exercise, you too will be able to improve your life for the better.

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Best fund raiser for you - no upfront costs + total support = high profits

Why Partner with Lloyd's Healthy Coffee For your Next Fundraiser?

As an organization that relies on fund raising, we specialize in helping you raise capital, but we don't stop there. We help you resolve other daunting issues at no cost including:

=> Maintaining a strong organization
=> Building a strong reserve of volunteers
=> Meeting and exceeding fundraising goals
=> Building member participation and morale
=> Overcoming high volunteer turnover rates
=> Writing fundraising strategies and implementation
=> Changes and trends in fundraising

Unique internet tracking system that allows your organization to continue selling our Healthy Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa and receive proceeds from members of your organization that order through our website.

How much are the Start-up Costs to have a Healthy Coffee Fundraiser?

ZERO -- this is truly a Risk-Free Fundraising Program.

Our fund raising program has no order "minimums" or any other up-front fees.

We provide you with the following items at no cost:

=> Your own Healthy Coffee Business fundraising consultant
=> Master order forms
=> Order forms for each of your participants
=> Personalized fundraising Website and Kit

Lloyds Healthy Coffee offers a fund raising program that is one of the most profitable in the world for your organization.

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Ganoderma or Reishi Mushroom

This is the article that started me to research the Ganoderma or Reishi mushroom. Here is a small part of the article. What do you think?

Several species of Ganoderma have been used in traditional Asian medicines for thousands of years. Collectively, the Ganoderma are being investigated for a variety of potential therapeutic benefits:

anticancer effects
immunoregulatory effects
antioxidant activities
liver-protecting effects
hypoglycemic effects
antibacterial effects
antiviral effects
antifungal effects
reducing blood cholesterol
inhibiting blood vessel regeneration (angiogenesis)
anti ibrotic effects
protection against radiation-induced damage
reducing lower urinary tract symptoms

To see complete article, go to:
Ganoderma -Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia